Sunday, March 6, 2011

Facebook and I Are Getting Divorced

Over the past few weeks I have had an uneasy feeling when thinking about facebook beyond my dislike for Mark Zuckerberg, In general, something just doesn't seem right about it and I am uncomfortable with it. When this feeling shows up I make changes to get rid of it and this time is no different. So to get rid of it... I will be closing my facebook account on 3/11. I have spent over a week now informing my friends on facebook that I will be leaving and letting them know that I am going to be available on Twitter and this blog. The question that is constantly asked though is why am I leaving facebook? There are 2 main reasons:
1) Personal information security
2) Facebook drama
To expand on these items, the personal security issues are obvious in several ways. First, Mark himself has been quoted saying "They are the dumbasses who give me their information". Facebook considers all information saved on facebook to be theirs (your photos included) and that is why they have never provided an export tool to export your photos or contacts out of facebook. Also, facebook is selling your information tto third party advertisers and this will very soon include your cellphone number. Think that facebook does not have your phone number? Ever check facebook from your cellphone? Then they have it! Facebook also uses an "opt out" approach for all of these things. This means that you are automatically enrolled in whatever they choose to do with the data you gave facebook that they now "own"!

For the record anyone who would like to purchase my information from Facebook, can feel free to contact me directly and I will sell you my information!

As for the drama of Facebook, anyone who has used it for any length of time can account for some drama in their life due to Facebook or communications made by someone on Facebook. People seem to think that they can use Facebook as a sounding board or as a way to vent about something that is occuring in their life, but it creates this whole perception of people that is just not correct. Sometimes people seem incredibly negative or down on Facebook because of the comments they make but when you call them all is fine. Additionally, the tone and inflection from people is just not reflected in the way they post. When you write a book or a story, you use certain words and phrases to create a tone and symbolism of something while when you post a sounding board post to Facebook none of the items are there to indicate tone. It is just a recipe for disaster.

Combining the two concerns above with my gut feeling, has lead to me to closing my account. So as of the 11th... so long Facebook. You will not be missed.

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