Monday, March 21, 2011

I Think My Kid is Pretty Cool

OK, my daughter is almost 16 months old and I find myself reminded on a daily basis that my kid is pretty cool. I know, how can she be anything but cool, but I have met many many kids that just were kind of like there. But she has more personality than I ever even thought was possible. The evenings have become time for me to ask her questions and talk to her about things and see how she responds. It amazes me watching her brain work and you can see the gears turning as she tries to understand and make decisions about things. For example, tonight I asked her where her ball was and she looked around the room and then shrugged like she didn't know. Over the weekend, Sara asked her to go get her shoes and she goes to the hall and brings my shoes, Sara's shoes, and then hers. Like I said, just a cool kid.

Tonight after dinner, she brought me her new ball that she got at Kroger today. I started bouncing it and she just stood there getting very excited. I tried to bounce it too her and just looked super excited. The ball then rolled away and she immediately went running after it, picked it up, and returned it to me. AWESOME! My daughter has reached a development milestone (I am pretty sure it is), she plays fetch! So we spent the next 15 minutes playing fetch while my dog (who I think is the one that should play fetch) slept on the couch. Anyway, my daughter was thrilled to spend this time playing with Dad while I was standing there wondering if I am going to scar my child by playing fetch with her.

After our game of fetch, she threw her ball at me and it bounced off me and hit her in the face. She didn't notice this. So I tried to play catch with her. This resulted in me pretty much just bouncing the ball off of her head while she laughed about it like it tickled. Now if the fetch did not create some sort of scaring, bouncing a ball off of her head surely will, but she is laughing so what is up with that?  Ohh and the dog, still sleeping on the couch...

But at almost 16 months old, I have decided this truly is the greatest age to date. She is just full of life and wonder. With the weather being nicer my daughter has got to spend time outside for the first time in her life. And as soon as her feet touch the ground she goes running. This would be fine, but she has no concept of uneven terrain and concrete doesn't seem to worry her. It is funny to watch her run through the yard, but when she falls, you realize just how durable kids her age are. The other day she practically did a forward flip in the front yard and she just got back up like nothing happen.

Maybe the fact that things like falling don't seem to hurt is why she seems to have no fear. Yesterday, I got the step ladder out and went to the other room to get the paint to fix a spot on the ceiling. When I come back into the room she is standing on the first step climbing up to the second step. I couldn't believe that she was climbing the ladder like it was nothing. I am not even sure how she learned that it was something to climb on, we don't use it often and I don't know the last time she saw me climbing a ladder. It just became one of those moments where I realized my daughter is pretty cool.


  1. Yeah.. Jackson enjoys it more when I throw the ball at his head too. He'd rather it hit him, then catch it. Haha.. I need to work on that. :-)

  2. As long as that is normal. She has been playing fetch longer than I can remember now!
